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The Spike Times

In Memory of Gerald Austin & Fred “Derf” Falk


        Volume XX       Issue I            Circulation  41+                              March 2000


Thank You Jerry      -          Joey Marriott


My step-dad, Jerry died in September due to complications from a heart attack and a stroke.  Jerry met my mom about 14 years ago and my mom fell for him instantly. 

If you ever met Jerry you could see how, he was such a charming man. Flattery was his major in school if I were to guess.  He was a fun loving and very jovial person.

I liked Jerry for a lot of reasons, but what I liked best about him was how great he made my mom feel.  She had just come out of a very unhappy marriage and Jerry brought a smile to her face unlike any I had ever seen.  She was for once in her life happy.

Sure there were some rough times, but in the end my mom died in a period of her life in which she had never been happier.  Jerry was a big part of this.

Jerry loved my mom’s kids and her grandchildren without reservation and we in turn loved him.  Jerry will be missed by my family and by his own.

Thank you Jerry for bringing happiness into all of our lives and may you once again bring happiness to my mother in your new journey!


Love Joey




Farewell Fred

-James Marriott

One of my best friends said “There are too many jerks in this world, and so few really great people” Not only could he have been talking about Fred Falk, he was talking about Fred.

Fred was one of those larger then life kinds of guys.  He was so smart, kind, funny and such a great guy he could not be real, but he was. Fred had a unique gruffy voice and mannerism that I loved to impersonate while working at eti.  I affectionately referred to him as “Dad” when I spoke to him.

I loved playing “Mercy” with him; “Mercy” is a game where you lock hands together trying to bend the opponents’ hands back until the other person begged for “mercy.” I always liked to brag that I had a perfect 0 & 24 record in our matches.  Yes, that is a perfect losing record I had.

Fred was one of the funniest people I have ever known, he had such a quick sense of humor, he was the one line king.  As our friend Todd recalled a time where he (Todd) was complaining a bit much, Fred pointed it out and Todd relied that “it was the squeaky wheel that got the grease” and Fred without missing a beat replied “true, but it sometimes get replaced”

You would have to have known Fred to understand the big void that his death from a heart attack will leave in mine and many others lives.  The World just lost one it’s best people and someone everyone loved.








