Good-Bye eti. - Spike In the last issue I told you to stay tuned for some big and exciting news on my job. Well as of June 12 I no longer work for eti where I have worked for the past five years. I have decided to get off my ass and to pursue a career in something I wanted to do rather then something I disliked. At the end of July I began classes to get my certification as a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE). I will be in the computer network field. For the past year I have worked two jobs, one at eti and then at the nightclub trying to make a living and to get ahead. Well the nightclub has gone through a couple ownership changes along with format and name changes. Until the last two or three months I was not making any real money there (in fact the last owner owes me a good deal of money). Now that I am able to make it there financially I was able to quit eti, and go to school while working part-time. I will be in school until February 1999 and then I will be in the job market once again.
Misc. News Many of "The Gang" made it out jet-skiing finally for the first time this year. It took until August, but we made it! Our ride started at Brannan State Park just over the Antioch Bridge. The Furtado’s, Cannata’s, Press’s, Super Dave Clary, Jeff "Sawa Man", myself along with Yvonne and our friend Sheryl hit the waters and we rode to Lost Isle where some of had lunch and took in the sights. Afterwards my Sea Doo had trouble starting, so John Cannata towed it for a bit to a beach spot where the rest of the group ate lunch and we swam on this hot day. After lunch my Sea Doo started and we rode back taking a different way. I figured the modified Kawasaki’s owned by Steve, Dave and John C. would use more gas then our Sea Doo’s, that and the fact that I thought we were closer to out launching facilities caused one of the Sea Doo’s to run out of gas just a mile from our base. Again, another Sea Doo tow…. Oh well, such is life. Other then the couple of problems the day was great, we were blessed with fairly calm waters and nice weather. ***************************************************************************************** I took my Sea Doo into the shop to get worked and, and had the carburetor rebuilt. I need to replace a cracked exhaust manifold which the mechanic believes is causing me the most problems starting. Kevin and I can do this, saving me money… I have been out twice since then and it has ran great, still a bit hard to start, but better. Yvonne and I went to Hogan Lake, which is very full and we had a great time, she had no apprehensions and was "full speed ahead" when I let her take over the driving. She was able to fling me of the Sea Doo once, and loved every minute of it. On August 9th her and I went out to the Delta from Whiskey Slough and we found a large cabin cruiser making awesome wakes, we spent nearly two hours jumping its wake! We then went to Lost Isle for lunch then went out and found another ships wake to jump for another hour! We were sore for days from it. ***************************************************************************************** The Spike Times may not see a "print version" for some time due to time constraints, I will make every effort to print and mail it when possible, especially for those few who lack internet access. ***************************************************************************************** Steve and Donna Press recently invited Yvonne and I to a Stevie Nicks concert at the Concord Pavilion. It was on a very warm Sunday night, Michael McDonald opened, he was a bit "bland" and his music covered his hits and a few Doobie Brothers songs as well. Stevie came out wearing a flowing black dress, almost "gothic" as they say today. From the seats (off to the side) it was a bit hard to hear her vocals clearly. Yvonne and I went up to the lawn (sorry Steve & Donna for not coming back down) to lay down for a bit, but found the sound superior up there. We ended up staying on the lawn, laying and enjoying the beautiful summer night. ******************************************************************************************
The end for now!